An interactive application to convey knowledge about a topic that one usually does not want to deal with.

Lung cancer

My role


Concept developement

UI & UX design

Video editing

My team

Michelle Boetzel

Selina Dick

Make knowledge understandable and tangible.

In the Interactive Communication Systems course, our task was to design an interactive application for an exhibition, museum, or trade fair. The goal was to create an application that would make knowledge understandable and tangible for visitors.

Together with my team members, we agreed that the viewers of our application should take away something or be positively influenced in some way. After several discussions, we decided to focus on the topic of lung cancer, based on personal interest and the potential impact of the topic.

To identify what's important for users, it was necessary to gain an overview of the topic.

To become an expert, speak with experts.

We started with an extensive research phase, during which we conducted textual research and interviewed Dr. Susanne Weg-Remers, the head of the German Cancer Information Service. This interview helped us gain a deeper understanding of our target audience and influenced some of our design decisions.

We decided that our application should belong in the private space. As a result, our project developed into a tablet application that accompanies newly diagnosed patients.

Switching to a private space makes the application more accessible.

Our primary goal is to provide reliable information to affected individuals and their relatives.

Users are guided through the development of the disease and its subsequent course, with a focus on tips and assistance to help them cope with the illness and prepare for what may come. The application places great emphasis on providing support so that those affected never feel abandoned.

The app supports users and refers to experts when help is needed.

Structure information chronologically to match the user's thinking model.

The information is structured around the progression of cancer, starting from its formation. It covers detection or diagnosis, treatment, and living with cancer. Each main topic contains subtopics and may include links to tips, interactive exercises, or counseling centers. We placed particular emphasis on the section on living with cancer, which contains the most interactions.

Users should always be able to navigate through the different topics quickly and easily.

A design that is suitable for the topic and inclusive of everyone.

We defined a design direction by creating moodboards with matching and non-matching styles. The visual appearance and illustrations were then developed through multiple rounds of feedback and adjustments among the team members. When creating the character illustrations, we avoided using identity-defining characteristics so that all viewers can identify with them.

When creating the character illustrations, we avoided using identity-defining characteristics so that all viewers can identify with them.

Combining rationality and empathy.

We aimed to strike a perfect balance between informative rationality and supportive empathy in our narrative. Feedback confirmed that we successfully achieved a good mix of facts and empathy that was neither too sad, dramatic, nor depressing. With a friendly and consistent design, we aimed to gain users' trust, provide them with knowledge, and avoid blaming anyone.

The friendly design is consistently reflected throughout the application.

Designing the app to be user-friendly for our target audience.

The application is operated using tap and scroll gestures only. Other gestures are not used because they are unnecessary and may not be intuitive for the older target group, typically aged 60 years or older.

By linking topics together, users can easily access the specific information they need.

Effectively and interactively conveying information was one of the more challenging parts of our process. This was particularly difficult when discussing lung cancer, as it required simplifying complex medical and biological concepts while also addressing the emotional impact of the disease.

Selected information is provided to support patients and their relatives throughout the course of the illness.

Making help visible when it seems hopeless.

The project would provide affected individuals with a reliable source of information to help them deal with their illness. By pointing out support services, the feeling of being left alone should be avoided.

It took some time for us to delve deep into the topic and design the best possible information system that is visually and interactively appealing. Through completing the project, we gained expertise in developing a unified design within a team, as well as overcoming any hurdles that arose in the process.

Product video with screenflow