A new approach to conducting blood tests aims to relieve patients.


My role


Concept developement

UI & UX design

3D Modelling

My team

Anastasia Lorenz

Creating a product for tomorrow, today.

This project was created as part of the Invention Design 1 course. The course aimed to design innovative products and services that utilize the latest technology, including technologies that are not yet market-ready and will only become so in the coming years.

Focusing on blood testing.

After conducting initial research on emerging technologies according to the Gartner Hype Cycle for upcoming years, our team brainstormed to establish the project's goals.

We focus specifically on the topic of blood tests in medical practices and how to relieve patients and medical personnel. Our goal is to develop a solution approach and to learn about designing medical devices.

"Improving health by providing easy access to regular at home blood tests for early detection and control of diseases in specific target groups."

Our Goal

Our Goal

Getting to know our user and medical topic better.

At the start, we gathered information about the user group and medical knowledge related to blood tests. This was done through interviews with experts and the creation of user profiles. This process was particularly helpful in defining requirements for the solution.

Pregnant Women

Pregnant Women

Pregnant Women

Chemotherapy Patients

Chemotherapy Patients

Chemotherapy Patients

Patients undergoing medication adjustment e.g. Epilepsy, Blood Thinners, Thyroid Medication

Patients undergoing medication adjustment e.g. Epilepsy, Blood Thinners, Thyroid Medication

Patients undergoing medication adjustment e.g. Epilepsy, Blood Thinners, Thyroid Medication

Our user group consists of the following groups of people.

Home blood tests make it possible for our entire user group to access them.

During an interview with a doctor, we learned that blood tests should be performed at most once a day, and not multiple times a day. Our target audience's mobility and endurance levels vary depending on the degree of their medical condition. Some members of our target audience are unable to go to the doctor or blood testing location alone.

Therefore, we have considered conducting blood tests in the home as a suitable alternative.

Typically, a complete blood count, iron, liver and kidney function tests, and a few other specific parameters are measured, depending on the diagnosis.

Typically, a complete blood count, iron, liver and kidney function tests, and a few other specific parameters are measured, depending on the diagnosis.

Typically, a complete blood count, iron, liver and kidney function tests, and a few other specific parameters are measured, depending on the diagnosis.

Our target audience is primarily interested in their blood values temporarily, typically for less than a year.

Our target audience is primarily interested in their blood values temporarily, typically for less than a year.

Our target audience is primarily interested in their blood values temporarily, typically for less than a year.

Simple operation for new users.

Simple operation for new users.

Simple operation for new users.

Blood collection must be able to be performed independently.

Blood collection must be able to be performed independently.

Blood collection must be able to be performed independently.

This device is intended to relieve medical personnel.

This device is intended to relieve medical personnel.

This device is intended to relieve medical personnel.

Doctors need to be able to monitor blood values.

Doctors need to be able to monitor blood values.

Doctors need to be able to monitor blood values.

Our defined requirements for both the device and the process.

After completing this step, we considered how to meet these requirements. After reviewing various form factors and technological implementations, we decided on a stationary device with a companion app.

The blood analysis is performed using a measuring device.

A measuring device and app may not be the best solution.

By creating storyboards and user flows, we were able to precisely design the operation and measurement process. During the design process, we realized that our use case, which lasts less than a year, requires more than just a measuring device and an app. Therefore, we also focused on service design to meet the requirements of our target audience.

Creating a service to simplify device usage for patients.

CLU is a service for conducting blood tests at home. The name CLU is derived from the term "to have a clue". The service is not intended to replace a doctor, but rather to relieve medical personnel and provide an indication of how the patient's blood values are changing.

CLU is a circular system designed for multiple use.

Easy to use, starting from the first measurement.

Operating the measuring device does not require medical knowledge. Users are guided through the measurement process via the touchscreen interface. User testing was conducted to evaluate the usability of the device and the readability of the measured values.

The blood test is done in three simple steps.

The user disinfects their finger and places it on the sensor.

Once the finger is recognized and the measurement has been started, it is completed within a few seconds.

The measurement is completed, and users can access the results. Afterward, they receive feedback on the measured values.

Microneedles sample the blood, but the technology is not yet market-ready. Results are available quickly without damaging the skin.

Microneedles sample the blood, but the technology is not yet market-ready. Results are available quickly without damaging the skin.

Microneedles sample the blood, but the technology is not yet market-ready. Results are available quickly without damaging the skin.

Patients only need to have the device at home during the necessary time period.

Patients only need to have the device at home during the necessary time period.

Patients only need to have the device at home during the necessary time period.

The measuring device features a large touchscreen that guides users through the measurement process with ease.

The measuring device features a large touchscreen that guides users through the measurement process with ease.

The measuring device features a large touchscreen that guides users through the measurement process with ease.

Users can perform blood measurements on their own by placing their finger on the sensor. The measurement process is simple and straightforward.

Users can perform blood measurements on their own by placing their finger on the sensor. The measurement process is simple and straightforward.

Users can perform blood measurements on their own by placing their finger on the sensor. The measurement process is simple and straightforward.

No medical personnel are involved in any step of the process.

No medical personnel are involved in any step of the process.

No medical personnel are involved in any step of the process.

The doctor can monitor blood values through an online dashboard and will be notified of any changes.

The doctor can monitor blood values through an online dashboard and will be notified of any changes.

The doctor can monitor blood values through an online dashboard and will be notified of any changes.

The solutions for our target requirements.

The app allows for detailed viewing of measurements and analysis over time. It also enables communication with the doctor and control over the transmission of measurement data.

Throughout the project, it was essential to meet the needs of both patients and doctors, while also fulfilling the specific requirements for medical equipment. Additionally, we aimed to ensure that the device was self-explanatory and easy to use for new users.

We primarily learned how to work under strict requirements for design by stakeholders, regulatory constraints, and required accuracy. It was an exciting experience to design the handling of a future technology and create a corresponding service.

Product video with explanation.